Coming Soon...
Season Premiere!
Britney’s Bedroom: Famous Celebrities Sexually Harassing Their Stuffies????
We can’t tell you everything here. In fact, we can’t tell you anything here. You have to watch the episode for yourself and make up your own mind, only then can we tell you everything and change your mind. Forever. Or 10 seconds, which ever comes first.
This season opening episode has been hours in the making. First, we had to ‘discover’ the unconfirmed rumors (or in Canada, rumours or in Britain, facts ) and leave them as undisturbed as possible. Then we had to embed one of our crack reporters with an exposed hidden camera in a dangerous location. Then we had to get the video to you. It’s just that simple. Not really. It’s actually very technical and complicated, but we do all this because we care!
Watch this space for the release date. Or the other space. Could be in either one. We can’t tell you anything.
Also coming a little after soon on the Cynic’s Guide to the Universe:
- Dr. Iglassius and the 2012 Prophecies
- New Age Mythbusters: The Power of Positive Thinking with Dr. Eckhart Robbins
- The Mysterious Disappearance of Dr. Iglassius
- New Age Mythbusters: The Power of “Positiver” Positive Thinking with Dr. Robbins
- Mickey Mouse Exposed!
- The Return of Doctor Iglassius
- The Goofy Experiment
- Dr. Frill, Relationship Counsellor Extraordinaire!
- Porky Oinkerton’s Health Show
- Be Here Now, Be in Asia Later, with Phil Entropy
- CGTTU Shocker! Asian Fruit Pornography!
- Fruit Pornography, Part 2
- Peek-a-boo Camera: Inside the CGTTU Writers’ Meeting
- Rise and Fall of the Disney Empire (Snowing in July)
- Porno Justice, Hong Kong Style
- Philosopher’s Club
- New Age Mythbusters: Get Rich Quick by Healing your Subconscious Mind